layer1-background Africa's Future Energy Infrastructure Oil and Gas

" Building a Greener Energy for Africa by Africans in Africa"

- Steven Moti

GSC Energy

Uses industry-leading technology to build high quality, energy efficient and reliable power plants in Africa.

GSC Oil & Gas

GSC Oil & Gas is a wholly owned subsidiary of GSC Holdings focused on the mining, exploration and benefaction of mineral deposits from Africa’s rich resources. .

Telecommunications - GSC GROUP

Our investment portfolio span across various industries including but not limited to Information Technology, Telecoms, Infrastructure

Welcome to GSC Holdings

A Pan-African group of companies with common and entrusted interests in Renewable Energy, Oil & Gas, Mining, Infrastructure and Telecommunications. We work together with our key partners and stakeholders to unlock long-term shareholder value and optimize our portfolio of investments. Through our operational activities, we create sustainable value, leaving an impact of real difference in the communities and countries in which we operate.

We are headquartered in Sandton-Johannesburg, South Africa and our business operational network extends from East through Central and West Africa. We strive to build international synergies to sponsor and expand our global presence which currently includes partnerships with Austria, The USA, Germany and Switzerland. Our global presence and our expertise in the sectors we cover, enable us to deliver our products and services to our customers worldwide and meet the high standards we continuously set ourselves.

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Why Choose Us

The objectives of GSC Holdings is to competently, profitably and responsibly participate in the exploration, development and provision of energy, oil & gas products, minerals, telecommunication, infrastructure and other selected businesses which meet the group’s investment criteria. We always endeavour to make lasting and rewarding contributions in the societies where we are present by constantly seeking to satisfy our stakeholders. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities in Africa and we work together with our stakeholders to provide our investors with a balanced portfolio of opportunities and implement strategies that maximize our return on investment.

We intend to achieve this value creation through:

  • Allocating capital and time to grow our businesses and enhance our margins to deliver sustainable returns to shareholders.
  • Forming equal and friendly partnerships with national and international interested third parties.
  • Recruiting and training local citizens, Senior and Top Management executives to grant assurance of a knowledgeable, professional and hard working company workforce.
  • Ensuring the transfer of technical skills and know-how by proactively engaging our employees and the local community wherever we are present.
  • Assisting government in the exploitation and utilization of their natural resources for the common good of its citizens.
  • Valuing and protecting the environment through our environmental management programmes.

Some of our respective


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